Do You Want A Short Cut To Your Agency Getting Paid Faster?

Thank you for signing up! We’re thrilled to help your agency with the various collections problems plaguing your business. While we are excited to have you take our course, we have a little secret to getting paid faster, and it only takes a discovery call to see.

Did you know you can take control of how quickly your business gets paid today? All you need is ConnectBooster. Not only do companies who use ConnectBooster see significant improvements to their cash flow, but they also see these winning numbers…


got paid at minimum 30 days quicker.


saved at minimum 8+ extra hours/month on billing tasks.


saved at minimum 16+ extra hours/month.

Here’s how ConnectBooster helps digital agencies get paid faster

ConnectBooster automates every part of your billing process, from sending invoice reminders, collecting single time or recurring payments, and reconciling that payment inside your accounting package.

Not only does it reduce the number of manual billing tasks you have to do, but it ALSO increases customer’s trust in your agency. ConnectBooster can store your customers’ preferred billing information in a 100% PCI Compliant payment portal, giving them the freedom to add/remove payment methods and see their entire billing history 24/7.

ConnectBooster is a payment automation software that helps businesses like yours crush their billing issues by automating the entire process. If you want to talk to a payment expert who has helped countless companies solve the biggest problems preventing them from getting paid on-time, every time?

Contact our team of payment experts for a free discovery call and start getting paid on time.